Copyright © Christian Life Ministries 2016
Salvation is by
Grace Alone,
through Faith Alone,
in Christ Alone.
Raising The Standard of Truth without compromise.
We are now at the “Scout Hall”,
Cnr. Kingfisher Avenue and
Partridge Street, Elspark.
Teachings are sent out from time to time via email. If you have missed any you can view them all here.
If you would like to receiver new teachings directly to your Email then you can register here to receive them.
Sunday Teaching Audio Archive:
Select the message from the audio player list on the right and listen to it being streamed in real time to your device. Alternatively you can
Right click the title of the message below that you would like to download and Select the “Save As” option to save the MP3 message directly to your phone or computer.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Sunday Teaching Extra Resources and Handouts: